Thursday, April 21, 2016

Emacs 25 + Mercurial 3.8

Finally achieved!

With Emacs 25 and Mercurial 3.8 the improvements in vc-hg.el are nice. And really nice with some customization.

Default view:
Custom the .emacs configuration:
'(vc-hg-log-switches (quote ("--graph"))))
Custom the .hgrc configuration:
graphshorten = yes
And you get:

Friday, May 30, 2014

hg log --graph --template

Some differences in the --graph behaviour with modified code. Let's see the Mercurial code:

$ clone
$ cd hg

First with the default log command:

$ hg log --graph --template='{rev}' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| o    19653
| |\
| | o  19652
| | |
| | o  19651
| | |
| | o  19650
| | |
o | |  19649
|\| |
o | |  19648
| | |
o | |  19647
| | |
o | |  19646
| | |
| o |  19645

Nice. A little stretched. Now with one CR/LF '\n':

$ hg log --graph --template='{rev}\n' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| o    19653
| |\
| | o  19652
| | |
| | o  19651
| | |
| | o  19650
| | |
o | |  19649
|\| |
o | |  19648
| | |
o | |  19647
| | |
o | |  19646
| | |
| o |  19645

Equal. More CR/LF:

$ hg log --graph --template='{rev}\n\n' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| o    19653
| |\
| | o  19652
| | |
| | o  19651
| | |
| | o  19650
| | |
o | |  19649
|\| |
o | |  19648
| | |
o | |  19647
| | |
o | |  19646
| | |
| o |  19645

Ups! Equal again. And last:

$ hg log --graph --template='{rev}\n\n\n' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| |
| o    19653
| |\
| | |
| | o  19652
| | |
| | |
| | o  19651
| | |
| | |
| | o  19650
| | |
| | |
o | |  19649
|\| |
| | |
o | |  19648
| | |
| | |
o | |  19647
| | |
| | |
o | |  19646
| | |
| | |
| o |  19645
| |


Second with the modified command:

$ ./hg log --graph --template='{rev}' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| o    19653
| |\
| | o  19652
| | o  19651
| | o  19650
o | |  19649
|\| |
o | |  19648
o | |  19647
o | |  19646
| o |  19645

Nice. Adjusted.

$ ./hg log --graph --template='{rev}\n' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| o    19653
| |\
| | o  19652
| | o  19651
| | o  19650
o | |  19649
|\| |
o | |  19648
o | |  19647
o | |  19646
| o |  19645

Ok, as '\n' is there.

$ ./hg log --graph --template='{rev}\n\n' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| o    19653
| |\
| | o  19652
| | |
| | o  19651
| | |
| | o  19650
| | |
o | |  19649
|\| |
o | |  19648
| | |
o | |  19647
| | |
o | |  19646
| | |
| o |  19645


$ ./hg log --graph --template='{rev}\n\n\n' -r 19655:19645
o  19655
o    19654
| |
| o    19653
| |\
| | |
| | o  19652
| | |
| | |
| | o  19651
| | |
| | |
| | o  19650
| | |
| | |
o | |  19649
|\| |
| | |
o | |  19648
| | |
| | |
o | |  19647
| | |
| | |
o | |  19646
| | |
| | |
| o |  19645
| |

As expected.

That's all.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Sometimes I use GNU/Emacs.

Last time because I need to connect to a GNU/Debian box remotely and code there, from Windoze (Putty and so, no X). Sometimes I use Mercurial. That code is in a Mercurial repository so I need Emacs to manage it. But the default vc-hg.el requires some improvements.

So started coding.

Going to the git clone of Emacs code can see the log with C-x v d and l:

Going to the hg clone of Mercurial code and doing the same:

Ups! No --graph log ... Mercurial 2.3 admits the this option in core. Let's improve:

Modifying Emacs with this entry:

Modifying Mercurial with this entry:

And that's all !!

By the way, where does emacs hides the merge changesets ??

$ ./hg log --graph --template='{rev} {desc|firstline}'